Tuesday, January 1, 2013


So here are my goals for 2013: Join a gym
 lose AT LEAST 30 pounds
 3 day juice detox
minivacation with my significant other
deepen my relationship with God
Buy a camera- and use it!
continue to develop this blog
laugh more
read at least 12 books
practice yoga and gain more flexibility
write more
talk less
more quality time with my children
connect with so many more strong, beautiful, creative women
I am so blessed to have made it to see this year. There have been many instances where I never should have made it out alive, but I did. God help me to reaffirm my love for you and your son Jesus so that I may see clearly what my purpose is in you...

I put some pieces together on my vision board today and I must say that it was uplifting to find a little inspiration on the carpet with my children. My 7-year-old pasted pictures on his board that reflected my own creative mind at his age. A deeper level of thinking, but still so plain and simple. He had a clipping of a shiny silver ball that had sharp points coming out of it. To me it was a pointy ball, but to him it was the sun. Another picture illustrated a girl at the kitchen counter smiling up at her mom. To me it was mother-child bonding. To him it was just a really nice kitchen. I marinated in the thought of how my own perception can be a little tilted at times. We both saw the same picture, but two totally different feelings had been manifested in that moment. I praised him for his creative simplicity.

My list of goals may continue, there will be additions I'm sure. My ultimate goal is to expand my creative expression, remember that there is no one way to look at any situation, and somethings just simply are what they are no matter how you look at it!

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